We got you something! (But it’s not here yet.)
From ugly holiday sweaters to righteous snowpeople, we absolutely love donning our elf hats and gifting our friends and clients some 1s and 0s for the holidays.
This year, however, instead of building presents for the present, we’ve got something else in mind—for the future. ✨
Over the past year, we’ve been thinking a lot about what’s ahead.
From our Space Day celebration to CodeGeek’s next 20 years, we’ve discovered we have oodles of hopes and dreams for what the future could be.
And what are we dreaming about?
More diversity and representation in this industry we love so much. 🧡

Why Girls Who Code?
Earlier this year, the Geeks were introduced to the amazing organization Girls Who Code by one of our besties, and we are ever so grateful.
Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology—and to change the image of what a programmer looks like and does.
Because in 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women. Today, it’s only 24%. And the biggest drop off of girls in computer science is between the ages of 13 and 17. 📉
YOU make all of this possible. 😍
Thank You!
Without you, our friends and clients, we wouldn’t be the team we are today—dreaming about our team of tomorrow.
So even though the present we’re dreaming about isn’t here yet, we can keep working on it together … until it finally arrives. 🧡