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Web App Demo: Realities For Children

Gather ’round as we tell the tales of three web app demos that could did. Today, our story triad concludes with a local organization with an incredible impact.

A young girl is laying in the grass resting her smiling face in her two hands.

The Characters & Settling

Realities for Children (RFC) has been serving abused, neglected, abandoned and at-risk children in Larimer County, Colorado, for over 25 years.

The Plot & Conflict

RFC needed a platform to more easily pair real-time needs with available community resources.

✅ Partner social service agencies were coming to RFC with specific requests for families in need. Things like kitchen supplies, toys and bedroom furniture.

✅ Community members would also reach out to RFC with items they wanted to donate.

✅ With no way to connect the dots, a lot of time was spent trying to get donations into the right hands.

The Resolution

The Geeks built a custom Laravel web application called KindConnect that allows agencies to post requests directly for the items that families need—and community members can in turn respond with items they wish to donate.

As a result, Realities for Children has connected hundreds of children in need with donors in our community. 🙌

Is your interest piqued? Then check out our 1-minute web app demo to see the KindConnect web app in action.

+1 We’re web developers, not video makers—so oodles of thanks go to video editor Ayelet Golz for helping make our web app demo dreams come true. 😍

+2 Want to complete our story triad? Watch our other two web app demos for Town of Frisco Business Directory and Rocky Mountain Dressage Society.