WordPress Accessibility Day (WPAD) 2023 may have wrapped, but the learning journey continues!
We have more takeaways from this incredible event than we can shake a keyboard at. Below are just a few of our most favorite nuggets from this year’s event.
(Psst – Recordings of all the talks will be available soon on the WPAD YouTube channel!)
Our New Mantra ♥
“Our job is to provide options and let people choose their own adventure.”
– Carie Fisher, CSS + Accessibility: Inclusion Through User Choice
Cool Dev Tool ✐
Chrome DevTools Accessibility Tree – a tree of accessibility objects on a webpage that needs to be exposed to assistive technology
– Merary Alvarado, Complex Data Visualizations and the Accessibility Phenomena
The Biz Buzz $
– Keynote: A Conversation with Jennison Asuncion
So much of accessibility is about inclusion. And inclusion is about making people feel like you want them to be there.
Allie Nimmons, Accessibility Beyond Blindness
★ Oodles and oodles of thanks to all the organizers, volunteers and speakers for making this year’s #WPAD event possible!
Did you know CodeGeek is a sponsor for WordPress Accessibility Day?