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Hosting That’s A Perfect Fit

A long-haired gray kitty is sitting purposefully in a yellow cardboard box that is way too small for him.

Thankfully, there’s no shortage of hilarious “If I fits, I sits” cat memes out there. (We love us some great cat memes!)

But when it comes to website hosting plans, we’re as serious as they come. 🧐

A hosting plan isn’t something your website should be squeezed into — it’s not a “one size fits all” situation.

Your website hosting plan should be “one size fits you.”

How do we know what fits?

A very fluffy white cat with green eyes has crammed herself into a glass bowl. She fits purrfectly except that her tail sticks out.

While generic items like ball caps and winter scarves may be “one size fits most,” website hosting plans are not (or they shouldn’t be).

That’s because your website isn’t generic. It was built specifically for you and your site visitors.

And with that non-generic-ness comes specific needs when it comes to your website’s ongoing health and “fit”-ness.

That’s why we have a variety of hosting plans depending on a variety of factors, including:

  1. What’s your site built on (WordPress or something else)?
  2. Is your website pretty simple or is it more complex, such as a shop?
  3. How many people visit your site daily?
  4. What are your security needs?
  5. Do you want to take an active role in your hosting or would you prefer we handle everything for you?
  6. What’s your budget?

What does your “fit” get?

A striped tabby cat is under a small brown box. The box covers everything except his two front paws and floofy tail.

We may be biased (yeah, we’re totally biased), but we aim to pack as much value as possible into our website hosting plans. 🙌

Our goal is to keep your site happy and healthy — throughout its entire life.

It all begins with your site’s initial launch, and then we do regular check-ins as your site ages and changes.

For example, if you’re a part of our Condor Hosting Plan (by far, the most popular), it includes:

  • hosting services (so your website has a home)
  • automatic site backups (so we have the latest copy as “insurance”)
  • general site functionality testing (so inspections happen regularly)
  • monthly updates (so everything is “up to code”)

We’re here for all your website’s shapes and sizes.

A multi-colored, shorthaired cat with a very pet-able white belly lays stretched out on his back in a gutter.

As your business changes over the years, so will your website hosting needs.

At CodeGeek, we love that we’re able to offer a number of different plans, depending on the needs of each and every website.

So whatever “fit” your website is in, you can breathe easy knowing the Geeks have you covered. 🤓

A website hosting plan isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ situation. It should be ‘one size fits you.’


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