Gather ’round as we tell the tales of three web app demos that could did. Today, our story triad begins in the mountain town of Frisco, Colorado. 🏔

The Characters & Settling
Frisco, Colorado, is a mountain town in the heart of ski country that offers visitors mountain thrills with town charm.
The Plot & Conflict
To help cater to their year-round visitors, the Town of Frisco was looking for ways to:
✅ highlight their local businesses, and
✅ make it easy for visitors and residents alike to find what they need.
The Resolution
Our team of Geeks built them a custom Laravel web application that interacts with the town’s business licensing system. 🙌
Is your interest piqued? Then check out our 1-minute web app demo to see the Town of Frisco’s business directory in action.
+1 We’re web developers, not video makers—so oodles of thanks go to video editor Ayelet Golz for helping make our web app demo dreams come true. 😍
+2 Want to complete our story triad? Watch our other two web app demos for Rocky Mountain Dressage Society and Realities For Children.