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Lots of life things have changed since the COVID-19 crisis began, and many people are also experiencing changes with their businesses. And that includes moving more of their business online.

Fortunately, as super web geeks, we can 100% tell you that your website can change, too—and accomplish even more for your business than you might imagine.

Our CodeGeek team

How do we know this? Because we’ve been building websites for almost two decades, and there’s always something new to explore and a solution to be discovered (or built). 

We’d like to help your website work smarter and harder for you and your business, and below are some ways we can do that. 

Let’s get your website working smarter. And harder.

Brainstorming Sessions

The Geeks love a good geek-out session. So if you’d like an hour or two to chat about what the best next steps could be for your business (and your website), we’re your team. (We’re currently offering brainstorming sessions at a discounted hourly rate of $110/hour.)

Site Speed Analysis

How fast is your website loading these days? For many site visitors, you have just a few seconds before they move on to another (faster-loading) website. 

Improved site speed → a better experience for your users → better search rankings. (You can’t argue with a compelling flowchart like that.)

And if you want a deeper look under the hood, we could do a complete Website Spot Check for you, which includes the Site Speed Analysis.

Traffic Analysis

Online search patterns have definitely changed since the COVID-19 crisis began, and this impacts industries differently. 

We can analyze how your search traffic has changed—and provide recommendations for how to revise your digital marketing strategy (including your website) to match those changes.

*Speaking of which, the economic downturn due to COVID-19 seems to have brought about a higher rate of spam, scam emails and phishing attempts. Check out our refresher on web security best practices.

E-commerce Solutions

Whatever your business is, we’re sure there’s an e-commerce solution that can help make your business life easier.

  • Are you using Square? We can integrate online payments and inventory with your existing Square account.
  • Thinking about hosting paid online events, such as a webinar? We can select the technology you need to handle those financial transactions.
  • Building an online community with membership fees? We’ll find a solution that’s perfect for your group.
  • Need something custom because your business is super niche? You’re in luck—that’s our sweet spot.

Making sure your website works smarter and harder is our geeky passion. 

Let’s chat to see how we can geek out together.