CodeGeek blog
The Secret Life of Links
Read more about The Secret Life of LinksA.K.A. Don’t “click here!” Did you know that link text (also called anchor text), those few words on a web page that are the active part of a link, are the most important content on the web? This is their secret life, the understanding of which gives you great leverage to improve your web site’s…
Help! My Website Is Broken!
Read more about Help! My Website Is Broken!Which web browser do you use? Firefox? Internet Explorer (IE)? Which version of IE? Why does it matter? Well, which browser you use is less important than having the realization that not everyone on the Internet uses the same web browser you do. A common mistake we all make at times in life is to…
Us or Them – Perspectives in Writing Good Content
Read more about Us or Them – Perspectives in Writing Good ContentHow do you write good content for your web site? I believe that the most important thing is perspective. Who are you writing for? Your web site visitor, of course. How do you write your content to appeal to your web site visitor? The person visiting your web site is trying to solve a problem…
Attractive Websites Work Better
Read more about Attractive Websites Work BetterDoes visual appeal matter? Absolutely. It matters a lot. It turns out that attractive things make us feel happy, and this changes our brain chemistry making it easier for us to figure out how things work, even when we encounter problems. Our emotional response to web sites and other products affects not only our perceptions,…